Mindful Moments with a 2-Year Old


This morning, for whatever reason, I opened this meditation on mindfulness. I kid you not, I think I was in some kind of trance. It’s a nice way to start the day, clearheaded and  in the moment. And I was pleased to have the experience as an anchor for the day ahead.

How often do you get caught up in your thoughts, things happening around you, or distractions (smartphone, anyone?) Mindfulness helps you be aware of the now. It’s not to say that to-do list doesn’t need to get to-done, but, like I learned from Daniel Tiger, “Enjoy the wow that’s happening now.”

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Yeah, I have learned a lot about Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood. That’s my son’s favorite show of late. We watch it, we have the books, we sing the songs, we color the pages…

When he’s in the throes of a nasty tantrum, I might say to him “Oh come on, enjoy the wow that’s happening now.” It doesn’t help! Whatever, he’s working on it, right?

One of our favorite things to do is play outside in the backyard. Water is a big hit for him. Usually we will run the hose through his sprinkler pad, with the kiddie pool filled up, too. I’ll bring out my speaker and play some music while I watch him and enjoy his happiness (and manage his tantrums and clean his hands when he falls).

It’s often a treat to be out there with my little man. When the weather’s right, it’s perfectly heavenly.

But today was different. He wasn’t content for me to sit and watch. He wanted Daddy to play, too. I consider myself a very loving and devoted dad, and I so enjoy the time I get to have with him (what a blessing). But outside is hot and as long as he’s safe, it’s a good time to chill.

So, of course, I joined him. And you know what? For over an hour, we ran through that sprinkler pad, hiya’d our way through it like ninjas, danced in the sprinkler, and celebrated all the mud we were creating together. We held hands as we ran through, and we compared how much mud was on each of us. I didn’t care if I wasn’t looking at my phone. Instead, I had my giggling boy, our music, the feeling and sight of the “Ew! Wocky mud!”, and the sun on our faces. I was really in the moment. And you know what, in this mindful moment that seemed to last forever but didn’t last long enough, there was no Covid, no worries about anything.

“Run with me Daddy!” “I want to hold Daddy’s hand and run!” Enjoy the wow that’s happening now.

As he enjoyed his post-play watermelon-strawberry popsicle, I said, “Do you know how much your daddy loves you?” Sticky melted popsicle melting down his tiny hands, he said, “Yeah!”

Enjoy the wow.
